Monday, February 25, 2008

Any (psycho) Dream Will Do...

Let the record state that I have been known to have some odd and quite crazy dreams in the past, BUT this one has got to rank up there in the top 10. Last night I went frickin psycho in the dream department!!

I was somewhere in India, touring around with some of my family, seeing the usual sights...turbans, snakes in baskets, Aladdin's home in Acraba...that sort of thing. When next thing I know I am flying through the air, not on a magic carpet, but on the back of some old man wearing a turban. We were just cruising around, but the weird thing is that he had these delicious, yet odd looking, berries strewn all along the outside of his turban. I was merrily going along, seeing the sights and eating the berries! I remember flying through the trees and following the snakes and making loop-d-loops (like on a rollercoaster) and at one point I thought I might throw up.

Ok, here is where it gets really weird and a bit gross. My sister, Angie, and I had to go the bathroom. Well I guess in India, most women just squat (in my dream, that is) so Ang and I had to pay all this money to use a flushing toilet. When we went in there were like 20 women following us...they wanted to watch us crazy "Americans" sit on an actual toilet. So we did our business, but just before we flushed, an Indian woman came in with a cut open pig and spread the bloody pig all over the walls where we touched and on the toilet seat! Then she just put him in the toilet and flushed him and our pee away!! OK....what the h***!!!!! Where did that come from? To end this crazy tale my mom and I were arguing over whether or not we could buy Zanax at the local mart. I said yes we could, and we should, she disagreed. (Mexico, anyone?)

Anyways, that was my totally crazy night. The thing is, I didn't even take NyQuil or Acid before bed, see Lewis Carroll would be proud... this story would put his "Alice in Wonderland" to shame!

At that my friends, is one bad ass dream...that's how we roll around here in MY head!! Maybe I'll need a nap this afternoon...I'm a little tired from all that traveling:)


Angie said...

You-be-trippin'! I don't like berries so much but I love to be able to sit on the potty when I got bizness to do! xo

Lupe said...

That is one meth type dream! Not like I would know what meth dreams would be like. It just that you wacky dream is how I imagined it would be! LOL!

Anonymous said...

hmmm..sure you didn't smoke a little doobie before you went to bed:)JK..but seriously that is one whacked out dream, pigs,blood and the toilet seat..very interesting

Sharla said...

Ooooh-- I love to interpret dreams-- but girl, that one's a doozy! :)

tara said...

hmmm. I'm sitting here trying to think up an expert dream interpretation...

i got nothin.

you are pshyco:) in a lovable way:)

Anonymous said...

It will take a lot more than a decoder ring from the Box of Captain Crunch this morining to figure out my wife's looney toon dream, and it ain't the first let me tell you. But it sheds a lot of light to the confusion and mayhem that I woke up to this morning. I couldn't figure out how Mocha (the dog) ended up with a towel around her head, a half eaten strand of grape vines twisted around and through the towel, and the powder room had Ragu spaghetti sauce splattered all over the walls and toilet seat. At least someone left a $20 tip on the vanity to help clean things up. I thought it was weird also that a Cat Stevens CD was repeatedly playing "Wild World", and "Peace Train" on the stereo. A shout out to all those that might require a supplement or two to help them cope with life or even just sleep, (medicinal purposes only of course), make sure that you get a compatible batch together before you sleep. Otherwise you too may be enrolling your Chocolate Lab in Therapy.

Krissy Lowe said...

Yeah! I finally found you. Love the blog and the random dream.

Unknown said...

MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT SWEAR YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY WHAT I AM GONNA DO WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!