Many of you might not have seen this little witty comment my husband left after I posted my IUD blog, so....I thought I would reprint it for your enjoyment!
RC says:
"Okay, so you got a little work under the hood done. No biggy. At least they sent you on your merry way and you were able to walk with your normal gate. The last time I was strapped down on a sacrificial gurney I limped for days. If I could produce again I'm pretty certain that those children would limp as well. It didn't involve some little piece of plastic either, no sir this took some special scrotum scapula that the sight of causes men to poop down both legs. I won't begin to go into the horror because my Therapist says I wear Big Boy pants now. But trust me on this one An IUD errrrrr WMD........... PUD.......... or Sandra Dee ain't nothing compared to getting your boys cauterized.(It's spelled right, but I had to look it up). Love Ya Babe, RC"
Now please girls...don't feel to sorry for him, after all I am the one who carried 4 children for 9 months and then had to birth those puppies (Ok, cute babies)!
Oh my GOSH! Your husband is freakin hilarious...I think we could be friends. That comment was awesome. :) And way to wear your big boy pants, RC! Having your berries snipped cannot be fun...
Pooping down both legs on the sacrificial gurney! Oh my I have got tears rolling down my face. That RC is one funny guy.
Oh and berries snipped Kristi! You guys are killing me.
i haven't pooped any babies out, but i was in the room when heather did one. not a pretty picture. i'm still traumatized & its been 11 years. but i can only imagine getting the snip snip can't be fun for men. sorry RC!
Oh, Melissa-- he's a keeper for sure!
Hey Randy...thanks for the visual...I always knew you were funny but I'm thinking you could do a little writing on the're good!! I'm afraid I still don't feel sorry for ya but great was a great effort
OK, now I see why you and your husband found each other!
Ha ha!
Randy - that was so funny - I was laughing out loud, so was Nick - Hilarious! However, now he is definetly certain he is NOT going to have the "special" procedure we've been planning. Looks like I'll be sacrificing my body again with another IUD until he can wear his big boy pants - or maybe... I'll pull the abstinence card- Yeah, that will definetly work. Thanks for the belly laugh today!
I'm sure having the "snip snip" is no picnic, but I STILL think we have it WAY worse :)
I had the fantastic opportunity to read this the first go round.
I love you arce:)
Hilarious!! What a great sense of humor your man has!! :)
My blog is going me your addy..:)
I'm laughing out loud right now. He cracked me up. I have been known to ask my brother-in-law (who had the same little procedure done) if I could see his scar. (I wouldn't ask your hubby -- he's not family!) hee hee!
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