Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My slippery Soap Box!

So this whole tragic death thing with Heath Ledger has really got me of course I am going to have to share with you just exactly what's on my mind! Let me say this...however we present ourselves to the outside world and those not exactly close to's usually a bit sugar coated, right? You don't have to agree with me, but let me explain...We are usually so busy protecting our "image" for others that rarely do we let our guards done. We think we can do it all, be the perfect mother, adoring wife, carpool mom, working mom, RS president, PTA name it, we think we should be able to handle everything. Let me tell you...that image is impossible to maintain!

We all break down, we cry, we shout, we get mad at our kids for dumb things, we are irritated by our spouses...we just generally kick that poor cat until he is bruised and battered! I don't care who you are...we all have things we're not proud of. I won't go into my personal inventory of mistakes I've made and regrets I have but let's just say'd be surprised by what's shoved into that closet! I've learned alot from it all, but mostly I have learned not to judge people by what you see on the outside. So next time we want to start assuming things about our neighbors and friends...think again, I bet we'd be surprised at the hardships and insecurities that they are packing around.

So what does this have to do with Heath you ask? Well immediately everyone is assuming that drugs, depression and anxiety and all that other baggage has caused his death. Maybe it has, maybe it hasn't. Whether or not you agree with his life style...he was still human and fallible just like the rest of us! Remember that he too was someone's son, a dad, a friend...someone who will be truly missed by his loved ones.

So the next time you have a really bad day, remember you are not alone. When life seems crappy, snuggle up in your favorite pj's, take a nap , eat a whole gallon of Hagen Daaz, call a girlfriend and cry on her shoulder for no reason...basically, just let it out! Hang up the WonderWoman costume for the'll still be there tomorrow!


Unknown said...

excellent thoughts, woman!!! so very true. and it's so important that we're there for one another as women. thanks for that!

Rachel said...

I'm right there with you Mis - I totally agree. What I have learned over the years is that there is no such thing as perfect - not even close to perfect - and as women we've got to be there for eachother. No more comparing ourselves and making quick judgements - life is too short - we need to ENJOY more, accept others, appreciate differences, and celebrate the positive things in our lives. LOVE YOU!

Hayley said...

thanks for sharing that! i like your soap box!!! its so true. we all need to stop pretending we're perfect & just enjoy being human! and boy, crying sometimes feels soooo good!

Anonymous said...

A-MEN sista!
And that also means that you can wear "UGLY BLACK" nail polish and still be a good person!

Sharla said...

Great post, lady! The Haagen Daaz and nap are really tickling my fancy at the moment... :)

Jori said...

Jammies and a nap sound pretty darn good. You are SO right. We all have baggage. I think about my baggage and sometimes wonder if I am the only one. You nailed it-no I'm not the only one. We all have our issue's so there is no need to feel like somebody has it all together and I don't. Way to help us not beat ourselves up Melissa!

Jill said...

I'm afraid I let it all hang out too often. Keep thinking I need to get my act together....but life is hard and is made harder by pretending that everything is a-okay.

I rejoice in small things becuase the hard things are just so big right now.

great post.

Holly O. said...

Loved this! We can be there for each other and not judge just because I yelled at my two-year old. Oops, did I just let it hang out?

tara said...

love your post miss. love YOU more though.

Hailey said...

I hate to ruin this wonderful list of comments but I don't get the whole soap box thing....:)

Hailey said...

Sorry to ruin this wonderful list of comment but I don't really get the whole soap box and heath whatever.... but I still love you!!

Anonymous said...

did I just read a chapter from a really great felt like it. love you missy, you are an amazing friend and person, you always know how to cheer someone up or just let them know you care. love you!!

Kaesy said...

Loved it. Nice work.

Carrie said...

Amen, sista!

That's a good one! Got me thinking good things!

Kristi said...

Melissa, I have to say this was one seriously amazing post-very insightful and clever (as usual :)!! And you are right on!!