Saturday, October 6, 2007

Man, we've got to get out more!

So tonight I am driving in the car with Hope and Hudsen, and they are both telling me that they want a "Baby Alive" for Christmas. Hudsen says she wants a blond haired one and Hope says, "Mom, what are those called that have dark skin?" I said, "African American?" She said, "Yes, that's the one that I want."

Ok, I have got to get my kids out of Utah and expose them to the world...boy oh boy, that is just a little embarrassing! She's 9, she should know by now that there are different races out there than just Caucasian!!

So, Hope...what part of the world should we see first??


Unknown said...

actually, melissa, the correct term is "brown suga". didn't you learn that from hayley?

Holly O. said...

Oh man, that is funny. Luckily we have some brown suga living next door to us in the new house. We actually discussed how we were kind of glad so the kids can see more than just white people!

Carrie said...

That's hilarious!!!

tara said...

diversity shmirshity...

Hope is killing me. You are SO P.C. with the younglings. We have a few "african american" kids at our school and I just call them "black". Is that bad? honestly? I really don't know...

brown suga is DEFINATELY the term of choice:)

Jori said...

That is so funny. I remember growing up in Utah, we had one black kid in the entire school and he was such a novelty. Here it is just the opposite,in my friends little boys class he is the ONLY white kid in the class.

Lupe said...

LOL! Please come to Japan and visit your family! And while you're at it, come visit me!

Your blog is one of my faves! I enjoy your energy, wit, and enthusiam! So fun!!

Kristi said...

That is funny!! Come to Texas, next!!