Friday, October 12, 2007

Are those raisinets you smuggling?

The other night Hope and I were working on her homework together. She was reading a story that kept using the word "Smuggling" in it. Our conversation went like this:

Hope: Mom, I don't know what "smuggle" means.

Me: It's like when you sneak or hide something, hoping you won't get found out... kinda like if someone sneaks candy into a movie theatre.

Hope: we do?

Me: Um...(Ok, we don't do it all the time)

Hope: Oh I we are smugglers!

Me: question

Man that kid kills me...gotta give her credit, she does tell it like it is. I LOVE HER!


Jan said...

I think we're all smugglers in that sense -- I get so mad at what they charge for snacks at the theater! My purse is always full of something!

Hayley said...

instead of candy into a theatre - you could use illegal people in our country... or smuggling tic tacs. i do that all the time.

Heather said...

I'm a smuggler too, the prices are out of this world for treats, and you need treats during a movie!!!

Jori said...

No kidding, I would take my entire refridgerator into the theatre if I could.;)

Unknown said...

hee hee. i'm a fellow smuggler. although i do buy my popcorn fresh.

Hailey said...

Yes mom, you know it is true!! We are DEFINETELY smugglers.... but who can blame us? There's NO WAY i want to buy that WAY expensive candy....ok, so maybe there's no way YOU will buy the expensive candy.. hehe.

Kristi said...

She's no dummy, that's for sure :) We are BIG time smugglers and I can't help it. I cannot pay $8.00 for a teeny bag o skittles :)