Friday, September 7, 2007

Silly Girls

So the inside of this card reads, "WE WIN"! I love it, isn't it true though? We women are amazing beings...not that I'm saying men are lesser it's just that...We women are GREAT. I grew up in a household of girls, sorry dad, and now live with 4 daughters and a girl dog! My poor husband is learning real quick how dramatic we all are. But he is quite a sport about it, putting up with all the crazy emotions. Sometimes I think it would be nice if we could be like guys... besides the peeing thing I'd also like to be able to just punch somebody if they bug me and then get on with it! Us girls have to analyze everything to death, decide who we are going to like, and if they don't like us then what's wrong with us...did I do something wrong, did I steal her boyfriend, did I buy the same dress she has? Oh my, it is exhausting and the thing is, it starts in elementary school and continues well into your adult years. Embarrassing to admit but true...I tell my girls, get used to it because it'll happen throughout your whole life. At 36, soon to be 37, I still worry about what others think. Not nearly as much as in past years, but I still find myself turning into a 7th grader every now and again.
Well gotta BFF is on the phone and just told me that Suzie called her and said that Danny doesn't like me anymore and now Lucy is mad at me too because I wore the same shirt as her today and I said "Like I totally don't care, Lucy is so Lame" and she told Kristi that I said she likes Bobby and that totally isn't true because I know she really likes Ricky and BLAH BLAH BLAH...


Unknown said...

hahaha, love this! i agree, being a woman is the BEST! but as the mama to a girl AND a boy, i have to say that girls bring so much more drama. and this i've gathered from my girl who is not quite 4 yet. we have a long road ahead of us!

tara said...

If I wasn't so pissed at you right now I'd say "great find the BEST cards"...instead I'm gonna say "buggar off"


Kristi said...

Man, it wouldn'e be funny if it wasn't true ;) hee