Friday, September 28, 2007

Quite a Looker!

This cutie pieplus this Fiona look-alike...
Equals =
This Family
Oh my, we have come a long way since those days. I was cleaning out my room today and found these pictures. What was I thinking? Now Randy actually looks all cute in his cap and gown, but me on the other hand...Yikes. The hair is my favorite...I'm sure I spent some time in front of the mirror thinking I was all that while adding my frosty lipstick and blue eyeliner. Yes siree, I am a looker. Now just to clarify... these are our senior pictures, but Randy is older than me. How much older you ask?... Let's just say that when he was getting baptized I was just making my grand appearance in this world. Hee Hee...had to get that shot in babe.
So now I challenge all of you...Let's see an embarrassing picture of you! Are you man enough?


Kristi said...

You're funny, Melissa. You gotta love Senior photos--nothing like a little flashback! :) I think your pretty stinkin cute, personally, and I love the family picture, too. I'm not sure if I'm man enough to take this challenge, but maybe...

bolingbrokes said...

Are you kidding me...this is the funniest thing I have seen in the last..oh I don't know...10 years..I'm just wondering if this is going to allow Randy to let you blog more or less...hmmm lets think about this for a minute..I'm gonna say...LESS..hee hee

bolingbrokes said...

Also, I was just wondering how much aqua you needed to get those bangs just sure are perdy

Anonymous said...

Melissa, please have Hannah contact me so I can give her the story on the Melissa behind that cute face and the curdled milk and green fuzzy cheerios under her bed and the silk topiary tree she flooded and the pretty pink sweater that got covered in blood when she got shot and a few other interesting facts...Or you could just pay me to shut up.. all that and I still love you little Missy

Melissa said...

Mom, if you don't stop spilling my secrets over the internet, I'm going to block you from my blog!!!
Funny how you remember all these things, I was just having a good ole time back then. Love u 2 mom

Jill said...

Funny thing is I actually remember Randy when he looked like that. Does that date me? Grrr.

Holly O. said...

Don't you worry, there are several embarassing pictures of me on my bnlog. And yours isn't even bad!

Hayley said...

melissa, all i have to say is: any picture of me is embarrassing! i'm not putting myself down, but i'm not a photogenic girl.

Unknown said...

wowzers, are you guys ever good looking?! for real!

Heather said...

Fun pictures. Scott is 6 1/2 years older than me, so I like to tease Scott too. But he is getting a kick out of me turning 35 this year. Whatever!

Jan said...

What great pictures! The whole dang family is gorgeous!

Jori said...

Your family picture is just gorgeous! If you weren't such a cool chic I would have to hate you a little bit.

Angie said...

After looking at your pictures I'm surprised your kids are so cute! Actually, I was imaging my senior pic and Vinces'. Thankfully our kids turned out normal and have yet to wear "fancy pants". Even Austin was cute when he had braces. You know I adore you, R and the girls. Hugs!