Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday Dad!

Today is my daddy's birthday!!! Since I'm not at my house, I can't download any pictures of this handsome man, so this turtle will have to do. Now I'm not saying that my dad looks like this turtle or even resembles him, although I'm sure my dad is a great swimmer like this guy! But my dad is sooooo awesome and words can't even begin to describe how much I love him. He has been a role model for me throughout my entire life and I look up to him in countless ways! Have I mentioned that he is also extremely handsome?

He grew up on a farm and so learned the many ways to work hard...this is something he passed on to his daughters. I remember always working around the house with him, not always happy to do so (In fact I seem to recall that I was quite the pain in the ass) but I did learn the value of hard work! He is also the one responsible for my extreme OCD on keeping my car fact it might be safe to say that I have surpassed him in clean cars (Probably cause I own just one, where he owns like 6!)

But I love this man...he is so awesome and I would not be who I am today without him in my life. So dad...thanks for everything! I love you so much and hope you have a great day today! In fact we are getting ready to get on his boat in a few minutes and spend the day at sea. Glad I could be here to help celebrate this special day!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!! Love, your baby!


Jan said...

What a sweet post for your dad -- how great that you got to share it with him.

Mindi said...

HEY!!! it's my mom's birthday today, too!!! we were meant to be---happy birthday melissa's dad!

Jori said...

He sounds like an awesome daddy! Happy Birthday Melissa's Dad!

Amy said...

Your dad is a great guy! Happy Birthday Jim!

Dan and Jen Sampson said...

That is so weird that he is only 21- if my math is right, you are just a few years older than your dad...WOW, its cool how those things work. Anyway, you are lucky to have a dad like yours. Happy Birthday to your dad, we are glad that he raised such a good person like you and that we are friends.