It is a well known fact in our home that when you hit about 4
th grade, you start passing up mom in the math department. It's
ok, I've made peace with this fact years ago, although I am still slightly embarrassed by it. But let's face it...I am just not a numbers, fractions, geometric, word problems (man...those word problems
ARE hard) type of person. I chalk it all up to the fact that I was born with 6 fingers on my left hand and did not have it removed until 2
nd grade. (Which by the way, I had to miss a field trip for!) So that whole time, in my early developmental years, I was counting to 11 instead of 10 and
that can really mess a kid up! (I kid you not...I really did have 6 fingers on one hand...don't believe me, ask my mom!)
So anyways, I really stink at math to say the least! When any of my kids start to learn their times tables, I break out into a cold sweat for fear that they'll ask me what 8x7 is! At this point, Hudsen is the only one left that I can be of any help to with math homework. I know, poor me or just plain stupid ole me.
So my point of this entire post is to show you what I can do...I can help with some things, I'm not totally useless. This, my friends, is what I can do...
No, I did not invent or discover these cells, nor did I illustrate them...I COLORED them! That's right, the brightly colored diagrams were colored by me...hold your applause please. Why did I do such a thing you might ask...well Hailey had piles and piles of homework last night. The poor girl seriously worked on various assignments all last night. So at about 10pm she was about to break and needed to just go to bed. This assignment still needed to be finished...colored to be exact, so I willingly volunteered to do just this. All I needed to do was just color all the same parts the same color...pretty easy, eh? But wait a minute, give me some credit...I did stay in the lines!
See, they do need kids still need their 7th grader still can use my help. JUST NOT IN MATH!
It's good to have a colorer in the family -- I"m not a math whiz either but I can sure as heck color! Good job, Melissa! :)
Man I have missed reading your blog for the past week while I was gone. You ARE talented and smart, don't let anyone (including yourself) tell you otherwise. Just think positive affirmations and maybe the math will come:)
I am SO lame when it comes to math. It is the worst. You did a great job coloring those cells.
Are you joshing us on this sixth finger business? I think we are going to need some photographic evidence on this one.
I'm with Jori. Surely MIMI took a picture of that extra didget somewhere along the line:)
Way to help Hailey out. That poor girl seems to always have the hardest teachers and the most homework.
You aren't the only one slow in math. Parker(10) had to have his brother, Austin (14) help him with his Algebra the other day. What are 4th graders doing Algebra anyway? I can vouch for Mis, yes, she did have 11 digits. I always knew something was a little off with her. xoxo
Math I can do. English I can do. Those silly paper mache' book report diaorama things? Not.
Maybe we should sub-contract our services out?
BTW...totally forgot about the 6th finger. Made me laugh today.
See, I have two people who will vouch for my extra finger thing!
I know, I'm freaky!
i like your coloring. this is why i teach 2nd grade, by the way - so i don't have to get into anything too complicated!
I so understand this...I have to have Connor help Jackson on his math, and I help Ethan...I am such an idiot when it comes to math, but I was the best at coloring, remember the shade coloring? I was so good at that!!
i love that you had an extra diget!!! that makes you all the cooler. nice work with that. you should've kept it. that would have rocked.
Why did they remove the 11th finger? And was it an extra thumb? Pinky? Where was it? I am so intrigued.
I figure an extra digit just means more Melissa to love! And that's some fancy coloring.
I think that is so awesome you had a 6th finger!! I mean, who gets to claim that? Awesome! Also, Math & me are not friends either, so I feel your pain. I'm sure I will be in the same situation with my kids...don't feel bad. Your coloring is mawvelous, by the way!! Way to stay in the lines :)
Man mom you did a great job on that coloring. I actually got 20 points out of 25 because I forgot to color code, but that's ok. You were awesome!:)
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