Did you happen to watch "Oprah" today? If you did, then you saw the hoarder...oh man, was that crazy or what? I've seen these types of hoarders before, it's unbelievable to say the least. So if you are ever feeling down about the way your house looks, just take a look at this...
Man, compared to this I am a Neat Freak...I can not possibly imagine living in this! Now I've got my compulsions, to say the least, but this is DISGUSTING! So after watching today's show...I am an amazing house cleaner!!!!
Oh my GOODNESS! Why did Oprah take pictures of my house without my persmission?!
That is truly, truly heinous! That poor person...can you imagine living in that? My Lanta!! I have got to start watching Oprah more often...
Holy Crap! That is crazy. You are right that makes me feel pretty good about my house cleaning skillz.
heehe Kristi you messy girl.;)
OK, this does make me feel better about my house. (especially since we cleared out the garage in response to the neighborhood vandals!)
sick people. Can you even imagine what it must smell like in there?
I've got start DVRing oprah again. I haven't seen ONE SHOW this entire season.
I don't know about you all but my kids never throw away their Halloween candy wrappers. I find hoards of wrappers in their rooms. You'd think they'd wise up and get rid of the evidence. I've come to find out they eat a lot of candy in bed!
I didn't get to watch Oprah, but saw the last few minutes. Tony has appraised a few houses of Hoarders. He was telling me stories about it last night. Yuck. Let's just say he actually had to go to a public restroom to wash his hands after measuring....the usual wet wipe hand wash wouldn't do. Yuck!
Love my germophobe!
Anyone have this person's address? I'd like to send them a thank you note (which they could then keep forever). I was just feeling guilty about blog-stalking instead of cleaning-- but not anymore! :)
wowzers, i feel better about myself already.
OH yeah. It made me feel like a queen bee housekeeper too.
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